Sunday, January 27, 2013


Yesterday I made the three hour trip to the motorcycle show in Comber Co Down for their annual motorcycle show,not the biggest show but if i see one or two bikes of interest to me I am happy,this time it wasn,t a bike that caught my interest but a person.David Crawford the Author of the Stanley Woods book I read over the Christmas,he is a real encyclopedia of motorcycle knowledge and once we got talking we didn,t know when to stop ,apart from all the tales of Stanley in the book David had even more that he could not put in print,he and his lovely wife were good enough to give me some of Stanley s original letter headed paper and bill of sale for his TT Toffee business which match the sweet box I got years ago I have also pictured a nice badge which I bought at the show of David,hopefully in the summer I will get a chance to see Davids bike collection and have a longer chat when he is not so busy signing his book,,,,

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