Thursday, June 7, 2012

Prom Porn

Got back from TT this morning its severe the traveling trough the night after a hard week in the Isle of Man,will have lots of pic,s from the week when I get some sleep but here is a sweetie from the first day .


  1. ey up Ed, good to see you back safe, been glued to it on manx radio for the commentary and itv4 for the highlight's, you were right about mcpint, good to see micheal getting a win after a dissapointing week, get 'yer head down mate!

  2. Looks like you have big fun in the Isle of Man !

    Waitin' for the pics !!

  3. Cheers lads the TT was great but a fucking dangerous place to be biking five fatality's from road traffic accidents by the time i was leaving on Wednesday night hopefully thats all this year .
