Thursday, February 9, 2012

Eddie Laycock

Looks like a EMC 250 with a rg500 seat but what the fuck i could be wrong.what do you think ? when i raced as a young man of twenty i was pissed of because in Ireland there was not that many classes ,In the UK there was clubmans and other classes where you got to race people of your own ability but with us in the real racing classes like 250/350 or bigger a racer was out with the big boys and i fought for top ten finishes and there was little chance of any silverware but in hindsight i got to race against world champions and plenty of TT winners and manx gp winners which was great,also i went passed a MGP winner on the outside in the wet once which was a ego boost and that,s another story,Eddie Laycock was a great rider TT winner and GP rider and i was lucky enough to race against him on occasion,i hope his life is going well ,,,,

1 comment:

  1. and that's why you should get back out there ed, stir it up man, what you waiting for? like stevie said, 'racing is life, everything else is just waiting.......'
