Saturday, March 1, 2014

Tinker ,Tailor ,Soldier,Motorsport development manager

I will preface this post by saying I am on the second season of The House of Cards, but I have a conspiracy theory regarding my beloved TT . It all seems to be geting a little X Factor (it hurts to type those words) firstly I had a problem with MD not winning the Senior in 2013 and I laid the blame at Hondas door but not on reflection I think Don King aka Paul Philips may be the evil genius who has orchestrated the ruse,Hutchy and Brooks the great comeback that we wanted so nearly not happening and now all systems go and Micheal not racing for a season come on a Dunlop that won,t race for a season while fit to does not happen and then lands a BMW ride and all that goes with it perfect for the TT and now all seems to be coming together with such exemplary timing. What about Guy ? has the evil genius finished with him and no longer can see him as a potential TT winner he was on every TT poster and was the main attraction and now so quiet,maybe he has lost Guy to the Ulster GP the greatest roadrace in the world,he definatly can win there, Dan Kneen signs to team Burrows racing shows how our Don King can make things happen in full view but its the underbelly I question. hey maybe I need more sleep but there is another scene yet to play out in this ruse I just cannot quite put my finger on it,,,

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