Tuesday, April 30, 2013


In Northern Ireland racing hero,s are never forgotten ,,

Monday, April 29, 2013


Next weekend is a Bank Holiday weekend here and Saturday morning first light we are on the road for Tandragee,one of the better of the national roadraces and our man Richies first run out on the roads this year.the rest of the weekend will be spent trials riding and cutting the lawn !!

Sunday, April 28, 2013


George Formby would be impressed if he seen Trixey in action on the wee 400,,,


Here on fingymoto we are big fans of Maria Costello she was one of three ladies racing yesterday and all of them went very well.and no Maria is not waiting for a ice cream because the paddock is spread out at Cookstown people wait in all differant areas to get on the grid,

More TZ pics

I just can,t help taking pics of TZ,s this was a real beauty a D model with Mikuni powerjet carbs I spoke to the proud owner for a while ,


Ya Cookstown was great weather held up a bit of a cool breeze but we still managed to come home with red sunburned faces and a big smile,thankfully there was very few red flags and not too many riders hurt,Micheal let everybody know hie intentions for the year with some great riding to take the two big bike wins,Guy had a 600 win and was runner up in the big bikes. Its off autojumbling today and showing a few bikes ,then a weeks work followed by Tandragee next Saturday and some trials riding so its bike,bike,bike,,,,

Friday, April 26, 2013

Wednesday, April 24, 2013


I pulled up to get a pic of Glenade lake and all these honey,s must have taught the CBR was a quad with some food on it ,well thats my story anyways !!!

Monday, April 22, 2013

Sunday, April 21, 2013

CBR 600

I went offroading on the CBR its a very capable machine !!!

Beautiful Bundoran

Was for a spin today first time on the bike in a few weeks due to the fuckin flu took these pics in Bundoran surf capital of Donegal ,